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Six Simple & Effective Thinking Hats

Used with well-defined and explicit Return On Investment success in corporations worldwide, Six Thinking Hats is a simple and effective parallel thinking process that helps people be more productive, focused, and mindfully involved. A powerful toolset, which once learned can be applied immediately! 

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Do You Know How You Think? What You Think? Or, Why You Think The Way You Do? What About Your Team?

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Have you ever sat in a meeting and thought to yourself, "What were they thinking?"

Maybe you said to your co-worker, "Who in the world came up with that plan?"

If you are like me, you may have even said, "Who approved that crazy idea?"

How Much Would It Be Worth To You If Your Team Understood How We Think And Communicate?

I'll Tell You, It's Priceless!

There are six distinct thinking functions and you and your team members can learn how to separate thinking into clear functions and roles. Each thinking role is identified with a colored symbolic “thinking hat.” By mentally wearing and switching “hats,” you can easily focus or redirect thoughts, the conversation, or the meeting.

Solutions Workshop

4-day online workshop


COST: $1,997

DATE: May 13 -16, 2023 - 10AM - 6PM

Using Six Thinking Hats®, you and your team will learn how to use a disciplined process which will:
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Maximize productive collaboration and minimize counterproductive interaction/behavior

Consider issues, problems, decisions, and opportunities systematically

Use Parallel Thinking as a group or team to generate better ideas and more solutions

Make meetings much shorter and more productive

Reduce conflict among team members or meeting participants

Stimulate innovation by generating more and better ideas quickly

Create dynamic, results-oriented meetings that make people want to participate

Go beyond the obvious to discover effective alternate solutions

Achieve significant and meaningful results in less time

And More!

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So, What are the Six Thinking Hats  

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The White Hat calls for information known or needed. “The facts, just the facts.”

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The Red Hat signifies feelings, hunches and intuition. When using this hat you can express emotions and feelings and share fears, likes, dislikes, loves, and hates.

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The Yellow Hat symbolizes brightness and optimism. Under this hat, you explore the positives and probe for value and benefit.

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The Green Hat focuses on creativity; the possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas. It’s an opportunity to express new concepts and new perceptions.

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The Black Hat is judgment – the devil’s advocate or why something may not work. Probably the most powerful and useful of the Hats but a problem if overused.

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The Blue Hat is used to manage the thinking process. It’s the control mechanism that ensures the Six Thinking Hats® guidelines are observed.

And How Are They Used?

Significant Applications for the Parallel Thinking Process of Six Thinking Hats
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Leadership Development

Team Productivity, Alignment, and Communication

Creative and innovative thinking

Meeting leadership and decision making

Product and Process Improvement, and Project Management

Critical, Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving


Organizational Change/Performance

Wherever High-Performance Thinking and Action is needed


Our minds have been trained to find typical and predictable solutions to problems. Often this leads to ‘thinking inside the box’ and to entrapment in old paradigms. As an illustration, challenging old paradigms and using Dr. Edward de Bono’s Lateral Thinking methods, a DuPont employee eliminated nine steps in their Kevlar manufacturing process and saved the company $30 million dollars a year. More clearly you see that learning to think deliberately ‘outside the box’ pays off. From strategic planning to solutions for everyday issues, thousands of individuals worldwide have used this proven method to create and innovate breakthroughs. 

Lateral Thinking™ is essential. Instead of linear or vertical thinking, which relies solely on logic, Lateral Thinking™ is a deliberate, systematic process of using your ability to think in a different way. These proven methods make insight, creativity, and innovation happen. We know creative thinking is a skill that can be learned and we will show you how with these methods. 

Lateral Thinking™ is:

  • Seeking to solve problems by using unique methods

  • A process and willingness to look at things in a different way

  • Thinking that complements analytical and critical thinking

  • A fast, effective tool used to help individuals, teams, and companies solve tough problems and create new products, processes, and services.



  • Shifting from the single focus on problems


  • Learning the importance of redefining the focus


  • Developing your own creative hit list

Schedule a free consultation

If you still have questions, please schedule a free 20-minute consultation with Gerry Watkins

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